7 Most Famous Architects in Indonesia - Civilwork

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

7 Most Famous Architects in Indonesia

7 Most Famous Architects in Indonesia
Behind a great building work, there are reliable architects. But sometimes, many people don't know who the master mind is from these buildings. In Indonesia alone, there are quite a number of well-known buildings that are actually made by the nation's children. From the Dutch colonial era to the present, these buildings still look magnificent and sturdy. Who are the legendary and famous architects in Indonesia?

Frederich Silaban
Frederich, who is the son of North Sumatra, studied architects self-taught, his formal education was only at the level of STM (Middle Engineering School). Quite a lot of his works in Indonesia are famous such as Istiqlal Mosque, National Monument, Bung Karno Stadium in Jakarta to the Equator Monument in Pontianak. For his work, Istiqlal Mosque, he also received an award in the form of Honorary Sign of Civil Service Stars from the government.

Liem Bwan Tjie
Liem Bwan Tjie is the proud architect of Malang City who became the first generation of Indonesian architects who graduated from the Netherlands. He was trusted in his time to design houses of the elite and rich in Indonesia. One of his famous works is the house of a nobleman named The Bo Djwan directly opposite Malang Brawijaya Museum. Other works include Woonhuis Loa Sek Hie Jakarta (1929-1930), Oei Tiong Ham Concern headquarters in Jalan Kepodang, Semarang (1930), Exemplary Stadium in Medan (1953-1955), and the Office of the Department of Land Affairs in Jakarta (1960- 1961)

Early Han
Named Han Hoo Tjwan, Han Awal was a conservatory architect who was famous for the restoration of historic old buildings in Indonesia. In 1988 he was involved in the renovation of the Jakarta Cathedral which had suffered severe damage in various parts. Subsequently in the early 1990s, Han Awal was involved in a restoration project of the Indonesian National Archives Building with a Dutch architect and an English graduate architect. Han Awal is also involved in the construction of the Conefo Project.

Soejoedi Wirjoatmodjo
Remember the turtle building, aka the Indonesian Parliament / MPR Building in the Senayan area, Jakarta is his famous work. In addition to the Republic of Indonesia DPR / MPR Complex, his work is well-known and can still be seen today is the Braga Permai Restaurant Cafe in Braga Region, Bandung. Not only that, Soejoedi also played a role in the construction of the ASEAN Secretariat Building, the French Embassy Building in Jakarta, and designing a city planning masterplan in several regions in Indonesia.

Slamet Wirasonjaya
Slamet Wirasonjaya is one of the ITB Architecture Professors. His famous works and still standing upright are the West Java People's Struggle Monument (MPRJB), Jogja Kembali Monument (Monjali), ITB Central Library, and ITB's Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga). The Conefo (Conference of New Emerging Forces) project from 1964-1972 which is a landscape design and has now changed to the Republic of Indonesia Parliamentary Complex is his first work as a landscape architect. The grand space around the Monas Monument in Jakarta is also the result of his thoughts.

Achmad Noeman
Achmad Noeman is known as a million mosque architect. Works of famous mosques such as Amir Hamzah Mosque Taman Ismail Marzuki, Masji at-Tin, Islamic Center Mosque (Jakarta), and Salman ITB Mosque (Bandung). Not only the mosque works in Indonesia, Achmad Noeman's work has also come abroad, namely Suharto in Bosnia and Sheikh Yusuf Mosque in Cape Town, South Africa. The architect from Garut, born in 1924, is one of the founders of IAI (Indonesian Architects Association).

M Ridwan Kamil
The figure of Ridwal Kamil who is often called Kang Emil is so famous because it is the number 1 person in the city of Bandung. Before becoming mayor, Ridwan Kamil worked as an architect who had produced many famous works such as the Aceh Tsunami Museum, Rasuna Epicentrum Jakarta, Al Irsyad Mosque in Bandung, and various thematic parks in the city he led and the bottle houses he lived in. In 2013, he embodied the achievement by being awarded the Urban Leadership Award from the University of Pennsylvania. He is the only Indonesian who won the award.


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